Sunday, August 3, 2014

Big Stax 300 (Day 2): The Success Stories Start

Level 16 (Blinds 2,500/5,000/500)
Total Entries: 1,848
Players Remaining: 290

Alex Rocha (South Setauket, NY)
These stories are not much of a surprise anymore, as players buying in with (6) big blinds have actually found some success in this event.  Alex Rocha (South Setauket, NY) grinded an average stack throughout the entire day yesterday, but ended up failing to bag any chips.

Rocha bought in this morning and sat down with the 30,000 starting stack.  The action would fold to him the first hand of the day (Rocha on the button), and he would shove his stack.  Both blinds would call, and after action checked through the runout, Rocha's A 5 was good for the win (ace high), and he triples up the first hand to over 90,000.

We've also seen the other side of the spectrum, as a handful of players busted the first few hands, including Jeff Gross (who bought in today), who was just seen leaving the tournament area.

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